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The Rise of the Paraplanner

Nov 27, 2020

Have you ever been in the middle of an SOA and thought "maybe this isn't for me"? Michael Back from Human to Human and I have been in that exact situation and in this episode, we discuss how we dealt with this and found deep fulfilment in our careers.

This conversation is for those Paraplanners out there wanting...

Nov 19, 2020

There's a massive ocean of possibilities and opportunities when it comes to financial services tech and it can be overwhelming to know what you need to pay attention to as a Paraplanner.

In this episode, Patrick Flynn from Simply Kaizen gives us a run down of the advances in both compliance and SOA generation...

Jul 17, 2020

Want to stay in paraplanning but unsure about your next move? In this episode, Kate Fellows, Founder of The Professional Paraplanner shares with us her advice on where you need to focus your attention to progress your career. Kate talks us through income expectations (both as an employee and contractor), the use of...

Jun 21, 2020

We are at a time of significant change in the advice industry with mass Adviser exits, tighter regulation and compliance as a result of the Royal Commission and the disbanding of major licencees. On top of this movement, we're seeing an emergence of more AI software and the digitalisation of advice. So what does this...

Jun 12, 2020

In this episode, we explore the introduction of digital SOA's and what instigated the Future of the SOA project at the FPA. Ben goes into detail about the research conducted for this project including what consumers want, where the problems currently sit and what needs to change in the industry. This episode will open...